
Archive for August 18, 2010

Homework: Why do we need zero?

August 18, 2010 104 comments

After watching some videos about numbers that Paula found for us, we had an interesting conversation about the number zero.

Watch these two videos to get you thinking, and then answer the questions below as well as you can:


  1. Zero is useful in many ways, what ways do you know?
  2. What examples of zero can you find in your home? Can you take pictures or bring things in?
  3. What wouldn’t be able to do if zero didn’t exist? Explain why?
  4. Does zero exist in every language/culture?

Rip, I see I think I wonder

August 18, 2010 9 comments



  •  a boy dancing in puddles
  •  a boy dancing in the rain
  •  someone dancing


  •  he is having fun it the rain
  •  he is trying to dance
  •  he is happy because its rainig
  •  he is poor

I Wonder:

  • where he is
  • what those beautiful lights are
  • what he is doing
  • if he is poor
  • if it is raining
  • if he is in a puddle
  • if he is dancing
Categories: Forgot to categorize

The hungry team, Group 6 I see, I think, I wonder

August 18, 2010 7 comments

The soldier

Group Summaries

We had an “I see, I think, I wonder” conversation and each person in our group came up with ideas. I see:

A soldier with a gun leaning against the wall.

 A soldier looking  up in the sky.

 A soldier waiting outside the gate.

 A blue gate on the wall.

I think:

 This soldier is waiting outside the gate for the hostage or something to come out.

 The soldier is seeing  something falling down from the sky.

 The war has started.

This soldier is young.

I wonder:


If this soldier is on the bad side or not.

What’s he looking at.

Why is this soldier waiting outside.

If he is young or not.

What his religion is.


Thank you for reading.

Please comment on our posting.


Categories: Forgot to categorize

Group 5 Black Whales

August 18, 2010 1 comment

This is the picture we got;

We had a conversation about this photo under “I See I Think I Wonder.”

As a group we see that this place is surronded by water. Then we saw this man that was marooned on an island, with his cows and he’s calling for help.

We think that this man is calling for help and this place was attacked by a tsunami or it flooded and we think that this man has cows. We think that this mans house was blown away and left part of destruction.

This is what we wonder:

  • If theres a flood
  • If theres any sand
  • What country it’s in
  • Is he a farmer
  • Is that his house/is his house like that
  • Why does he have cows
  • How he got there


Thank you for reading our posting.

The Black Whales

Pasapani, Group 1, I see I think I wonder

August 18, 2010 3 comments

Group one was having a long conversation about this picture. We used the I see, I think, I wonder strategy.

Here are our some of our favourite Ideas of what we see. I see:

  • A Religion in Robes
  • A flooded area
  • Fear
  • Destruction
  • A car slicing through the flood
  • Stress
  • A need of money

These are some very interesting things we think. I think:

  • They are looking for help
  • They are very religious
  • The car’s decoration is also religious
  • The water is dirty because of the dirty streets and rivers

Here are some of the best wonderings we wonder. I wonder:

  • Who is in the car
  • What is in the car
  • If these people are Pakistany
  • Where they are driving to
  • If their religion has anything to do with birds
  • How fast are they driving


Thank you for reading,

Paula, Sam, Paul, Nine (Pasapani)

Leader: Paula             Vice leader: Paul

Saykrex Blog task

August 18, 2010 3 comments

We talked about what we saw, thought and wondered. We talked about the photo (below). First we talked about what we saw, then what we thought and finally what we wondered about. This is what we saw…

  1.  A man wearing a suit covered with mud.
  2.  The man holding a knife in a muddy river
  3.  The man is getting dirty.
  4.  The man is cutting the hay.

This is what we thought…

  1.  The man is cleaning the river.
  2.   The man is wearing a suit made out of plastic bags.
  3.    He is doing a job.

This is what we wondered…

  1.  Is he holding a knife?
  2. Is  he earning enough money?
  3.  What is his nationality?
  4.  What is he is doing?


Barcenal (group 2)

August 18, 2010 2 comments

I see: In our group we were discussing about what we saw and we came up with some ideas like we see a man walking in the forest holding shovel and wearing a army uniform so we could see it was a soldier. We also saw that the trees were lined up very nicely and he is all by himself.

I think: We also got some different answers when the question was I think like 1 person said I think he might go and help people in a landslide and another person said I think he is going to a army base. We also thought he might be in a war. We kind of thought he was fighting for russia.

I wonder:

  • Where is he going?
  • Why is he holding a shovel?
  • Why is he in the forest?
  • Is he in a war?
  • What country is he from?
  •  What country is he in?
  • Why  are the trees lined up so nicely ?
  • What is he doing in the forest alone?
  • What is he doing?
  • Is he finding something or someone?

 Thank you for reading this, please comment and rate
