Home > Me, Myself and I > Are you a sponge or a stone?

Are you a sponge or a stone?

Are you a sponge…

Natural sponges

… or a stone?

  • What is a “stone” person like?
  • What is a “sponge” person like?
  • What are you… sponge or stone? (think about experiences, friendships, ideas, food, cultures, religions, music, books, films, languages, countries)
  • What has made you that way?
  • Are you happy to be that way? Why?
  1. March 5, 2010 at 3:32 pm

    The stone person means stones they aren’t open so the knowdlege and adventure
    will pass away and stay stanegante and stay still and become a sand.
    The sponge person means their open and ready for learning new things and getting a knowledeage and can really feel like humun being like haveing full kowledage exeprience instrwesting and risktaker.
    I think I am kind of a sponge person because I try to learn new things and try new things I like to make more friend sand find diffrent ways to be organized. And I always try everthing that I got a chance for example In the school I try to get friends re in diffrent countries , I try to eat some food that I don’t like here a music that I don’t know many more…..
    my mom made me like that because she taked me travll mr lot’s of place and meet lot’s of people and make me try lot’s of new things for example I tried things that I don’t wanna or I will never imangen to do it so I think It was my mom that made me like this.
    I am reALLY happy the way i am now because I am a sponge person I quite instresting and pretty knowledeageble anfd not a stagnate person like a rock person. ^^ !!

    • Sujinna
      March 5, 2010 at 4:29 pm

      Hi Do yeon,

      Can you explain more of the first part? where you said “The stone person means stones they aren’t open so the knowdlege and adventure” I don’t really understand it.

      • March 5, 2010 at 4:59 pm

        It basicly it means they block knowdlege and adventure.

        • Ping Ping
          March 5, 2010 at 6:53 pm

          not always…….

          read my comment on it and you will see that stones are quite good although they mat become ignorant and they sometimes stagnate…..

          Ping Ping

          • March 5, 2010 at 8:26 pm

            I read you comment and I thought that it is sometimes true but I have never thought in that way in my comment. Good thinking Ping Ping.


        • Sujinna
          March 5, 2010 at 8:54 pm

          yeah! I agree with ping ping because it doesn’t always black knowledge and adventure

    • Nathan
      March 5, 2010 at 5:17 pm

      Hi Do Yeon

      What do you mean by “feeling like a real human?”


  2. Sujinna
    March 5, 2010 at 4:26 pm

    I think that a person that is a stone is a person who doesn’t try new things, they just stick to what they think or believe, they don’t think out of the box, they just do and think in what they believe in which makes them boring and hard to understand. I think that a sponge person is the person who tries new things, think in new ways, think out of the box, listen to others opinions to improve their understanding of other people, they are the person who doesn’t only believe in what they think, do and see. They are the people who don’t stick to the same things all the time.
    I think I am a stonge (a stone and a sponge) because I try new things and I also don’t try new things, it depends on how I am feeling. I like to try a listen to new music and I enjoy learning history, especially about the ancient civilizations, I hang-out with new friends and old friends. I also enjoy reading different genres of books because it makes life not so boring, I am interested in learning different languages for it will be useful (even though I don’t like world Languages) I like to study geography, the places, continents and world heritages. I don’t really like to learn about religions around the world, try new foods and study different cultures of different countries even though I like to study about countries.
    The reason that I don’t like to try new food is because I once tried this thing and it tasted so bad and it was very spicy, so after that experience, I never wanted to try new food again. The reason I don’t like to study about religions and cultures is because that I find it quite boring. Last year when we studied religions and cultures around the world, I nearly fell asleep!
    The reason I like to read different kinds of book genres is because, different kinds of books, gives you different kinds of knowledge and it also teaches you how to read it for example reading poetry teaches you how to read poetry and the more you read it the more accurate and faster you become. I like looking and learning about different ancient civilizations because it tells you how human-beings used to live before and how they work how they develop technology how they do farming, how they discover new things. Learning about ancient civilizations is also about analyzing and looking at artifacts which I really like. The reason I hang-out with new friends and old friends is that sometimes, when you play with new friends, you think differently, you behave differently and last of all, you get to know how each kind of person thinks and learn. I like to study about the world, continents, countries and world heritages because I find them very interesting and you get to go and actually see the place, it involves travelling around the world which I really like.
    I am happy I am like this but I am also not so happy because I don’t try new food which can make me miss something very good and I should study religions and cultures so I know how people behave like in different parts of the world, so that I can know what is rude and what is respectful for the people in the area I go to (if I go). I should still continue doing the things I like because I think that they are good things and it will help me learn and help me get jobs in the future. I am really pleased with me reading different kinds of books and my parents also encourage me too. I read more of a variety of genres of books than my sister does which makes me a little bit knowledgeable than her even if I am more little than her (we have 3 years of differences). I sometimes help her with her homework for example with the photo-story she had to do for homework and with some of her humanities homework. I am really proud of myself being like this.

    • March 5, 2010 at 5:02 pm

      sujinna I think your really good at writing your thoughts. it will be much better If you speack more to the class and share your ideas but you improved alot.
      ^^ !!

      • March 5, 2010 at 6:28 pm

        I agree. You put a lot of effort into your writing and make it really interesting to read.

    • Nathan
      March 5, 2010 at 5:14 pm

      Hey Sujinna

      I agree to Do Yeon, You are very good and writing.
      I like the way how you explain and say thing like think out of the box.
      Its very easy and clear to understand but very very long (which is a good thing)


    • Johann
      March 5, 2010 at 5:29 pm

      Using Paragraphs I see

      • Mr. Sam
        March 5, 2010 at 6:06 pm

        Yes, it looks better doesn’t it. However, a space between the last line of the paragraph and the first line of the next paragraph would be even better.

        Like this, for example.

    • Mr. Sam
      March 5, 2010 at 6:05 pm

      Hi Sujinna,

      Two things:

      1) Just because you tried to eat something once and it was bad doesn’t mean you should never try new things. I have eaten hundreds of bad meals and things that didn’t taste good, but I still try new things so that my life is more interesting and so that I will always be able to eat even if my “favourite” food is not available.

      2) I also don’t really like learning about culture and religion by normal methods like text books and research. I find that the most exciting way to learn about those things is to travel, to immerse myself in new cultures and to observe and absorb things that people do – it’s fascinating!

      You know, DoYeon is right. You have so much to say – so many interesting ideas and opinions. You really should share them more in class by speaking…

      Mr. Sam

      • Sujinna
        March 5, 2010 at 9:20 pm

        Sometimes I try to speak but I just couldn’t get the right words to use. Thats why I don’t really say anything and sometimes i’m just bored of raising my hand and fighting with people in conversations to get a chance to speak

        • Mick
          March 6, 2010 at 3:56 pm

          I it true that you never speak in class conversations because people always fight to speak. Other people are probably the same as you.

        • March 6, 2010 at 7:58 pm

          but it’s good thing to try

    • Ranvir
      March 5, 2010 at 6:35 pm

      Once again Sujinna, you have outclassed us.

      I dont mean it in a bad way.

      • Sujinna
        March 5, 2010 at 8:56 pm

        I didn’t mean to outclassed you guys….maybe I should shift class…all because of you 😦

        I’m just joking

    • Cristina
      March 6, 2010 at 1:46 am

      I love the “stonge” formula!!!
      I guess because either the sponge or the stone are at extremes and balance should be sought in everything.
      *but also because…I am a stonge myself, I admit! 🙂

  3. Nathan
    March 5, 2010 at 5:12 pm

    I am a sponge because i love to try new things I am open to people and I try everyone.
    A sponge person is a person who accepts things and try good things, they are risk-takers and try.
    A stone person is like a hard metal shield who would block every single thing off never try anything new and always be ignorant. They always stick to the same things everyday of their life (until they learn how to be a sponge)
    Like I said before I 99.9% sure that I’m a sponge because I love to meet new friends, love to try new food and want to speak new languages.
    Things that made me be this way are my friends, things that go on in my life my parents and many more.
    I love to be this way because I like to try new things take new risk. It makes life alot more interesting.


    • March 5, 2010 at 7:14 pm

      I think your one is kind of simlier to mine Nathan!


      • Sujinna
        March 5, 2010 at 8:55 pm

        yeah i agree with you do yeon that yours and nathan has lots of similar things that and some that are the same. maybe, you think the same way as each other

    • March 5, 2010 at 8:27 pm

      I like the words you used and a bit of math in it!!

  4. 17saery
    March 5, 2010 at 5:20 pm

    I think the “stone” person always look at the same thing and never moves. They stay the same and they never learn extra things. (They might not even learn anything.) I think the “sponge” person always gets more and more information in them. If you think the person as a sponge than it is just like a sponge sucking water. I think I’m kind of both… For example when I am researching something and I find something else that I am really really interested in I will search more but if I wasn’t really really interested in it I would just go to the next thing I want to do. I think I am like this because of my time management skills. I sometimes do something else when I need to do something and I don’t have that much time to look at something else. I am not happy this way because it is stopping me to learn and also I will slow at doing everything when I grow up.

    • Sujinna
      March 5, 2010 at 8:57 pm

      I really like…..
      I think the “stone” person always look at the same thing and never moves. They stay the same and they never learn extra things. (They might not even learn anything.) I think the “sponge” person always gets more and more information in them. If you think the person as a sponge than it is just like a sponge sucking water.


  5. Sasha
    March 5, 2010 at 5:24 pm

    I think a person who is a sponge means that they absorb the water in (Rimjhim said before water is knowledge) and they are very open-minded to everything.
    A person who is a stone means they are narrow-minded and don’t take any information in, doesn’t listen and just doesn’t care about what is going on around them.
    I think I am a sponge because I listen to other people’s ideas and opinions, I am interested in then world and I am aware of what is going on around me and most importantly I am open-minded. I really enjoy being a sponge person because I learn more, I get more experiences, I am a risk-taker, I have many interesting and nice friends and I know what is right for me.


    • Sujinna
      March 5, 2010 at 8:58 pm

      I really like this like quote…


      • Mick
        March 6, 2010 at 3:58 pm

        Just to add on to that quote it could be ”for yourself and others” instead

        • Sasha
          March 7, 2010 at 12:30 pm

          Thats a good idea Mick.

  6. 17mikit
    March 5, 2010 at 5:54 pm

    I think stone person like if someone share the idea, but stone person say “I don’t like your idea!!” or “I don’t want to follow your idea!!” (This is my idea). And also if stone person has bad idea already, but stone person can’t change bad idea into good idea. I think sponge person like if someone share idea, sponge person can add more idea. And also stone person can get many idea or new things and if sponge person had bad idea, but sponge person can change bad idea into good idea. I think I am both person… (?) For example when I reading book and I find interesting information, then I research more minutely and I want to understand well. But if information is not interesting, then I don’t do more and I skip information. I think I am like this because my time management. For example if I doing something and I decided “do it in the 10 min” but I spend too much time for to do it. I am a little bit happy but I am a little bit sad of I am like this, because I am sometimes sponge person and I can independent more. But sometimes I am stone person, I said before “I am not good at time management.

    • Sujinna
      March 5, 2010 at 9:00 pm

      Hi Miki,
      I think your writing has improved alot, there is only some spelling mistakes to watch out for next time. And I really liked what you said…I like it very very much

      • 17mikit
        March 5, 2010 at 9:13 pm

        Hi Sujinna!

        Thank you for find my mistakes.
        I am very happy now!! 🙂

      • 17mikit
        March 5, 2010 at 9:27 pm

        Hi Sujinna,
        Which word I made mistakes?

        • Sujinna
          March 5, 2010 at 9:43 pm

          Hi Miki,
          I’m very sorry because I forgot which word it was but anyways, your sentences are also missing some words.

          Just something to look out for

  7. Amy
    March 5, 2010 at 6:16 pm

    I think that a stone person is stagnate and they just don’t want to try new things, there just the same boring people. Stones are boring to me they might be interesting scientifically but not when people act that way. I think sponge people are interesting and adaptable. Sponges have many holes and in my perspective I think those holes show that there are many entrances unlike rocks were there are no holes for anything. I think that sponges also are risk takers. I think that I am mainly a sponge because I am very adaptable and I always like to try new things, I am a risk taker. I also think I am partly rock because sometimes I am stagnate and I just don’t adapt to things very well. My mom is defiantly a sponge because my mom always tells me to think hard and that she wants to go back to school to learn more, she is always telling me to try new things and to come out of my comfort zone and I think that’s the greatest thing about her. I am proud to have her as a mother. I am a sponge because of my mom being a sponge she is my role model and she is always risking to do thins, try new foods, travel around the world, do bungee jumping and all sorts of stuff. My moms dream is to travel around the world and collect as much knowledge as she can. My mom is willing to learn as much as she can in her life time.

    I am very glad for having a mom as amazing as mine because each story she tells me is so interesting and her advice for me is to learn, learn, learn as much as I can so that when I grow up I will be able to do many things. I love my mom with all my heart. I am proud of myself as well for listening to her because now I am having lots of fun and I am learning many things.

    I will also be asking her about what she thinks about sponge people and rock people. So be prepared because I got more to tell you guys.

    • Sujinna
      March 5, 2010 at 9:03 pm

      Amy, I think you are very lucky to have a mum that always tell stories to you and make you learn from them.

    • March 6, 2010 at 12:43 pm

      What types of stories does your mom tell you?

      • Amy
        March 7, 2010 at 7:22 pm

        My Mom used to tell me stories about the guru and in those stories there is always a meaning. Now my mom has become busy so I don’t get as much time with her as I used to.

    • Kiran- Amy's mom
      March 6, 2010 at 1:10 pm

      I think that a person should have both the qualities of a sponge and a stone… I like the idea of a ‘stonge’! 🙂

      A sponge’s nature is to absorb and that is the quality we should adopt from the sponge. The world we live in is fascinating with so much to see and so much to learn from. The more we explore the world and keep ourselves open to new ideas the more we can grow as human beings! However, a sponge can also absorb so much that it can be weighed down and that is where we must choose what we want to absorb and what we should discard. This can be tricky when you are so young and when you don’t know who or what to believe but as you get older you will understand more. NIST also has a course in the IB program called the Theory of Knowledge which is very interesting, I encourage you to find out about it from the older children at school. Amy, you can ask your sister. 🙂

      As for being a stone; a stone is so set in its way that it will not allow anything to pass through. This is a problem because we do not come into this world alone nor do we inhabit it alone. We all need to work together to make co-habitation possible. It is very important not only to know about different people and their cultures but it is also very important to know about the land animals, sea animals and plants that share this planet with us along with all the elements of nature. Only by being like a sponge can we learn all this. The stone’s saving grace, however, is the fact that it stays stable. It can be battered by waves, wind and the sun and yet will stay true to itself for a very long time.

      The lesson/qualities that we should take from the stone and the sponge is to be stable and strong and yet to be open to new ideas. This will help us the most in life. I aspire to be a ‘stonge’, what about you Amy?

      • Amy
        March 7, 2010 at 7:25 pm

        I also agree with you. You also made me think a different way about this matter. On Saturday me and my mom were having a mother daughter day and I saw my mom going onto the blog. This is what I discussed with her and this is her perspective. I also agree with her.

  8. March 5, 2010 at 6:46 pm

    I think that a stone person is a type of person who ignores things they don’t want to learn or they just don’t really care. They act very stagnate which is very bad, they just want to do whatever they think is the right thing. As Sujinna said a stone type of person wouldn’t think out of the box they would ignore everything else in the world except the things they like. It is not that good being a stone, you won’t have that many friends which are interested in you which have fun with you when they are around you. Stagnate people they only like to eat their favorite food and wouldn’t like trying new things, like being a risk taker in everything possible. I think a sponge person would always think positive in whatever they do in; they are risk takers (which is an important part of the PYP.) Someone who is a sponge can make a difference in the world, with everything possible for example they will also have a lot of friends who support that person.

    I am both a sponge and a stone. For food I am sometimes picky in what I eat, I’m not very proud of that but I’m not sure why but I don’t feel like trying new things. I am a sponge because I soak in all information and things I learnt which are interesting in me, so I can use it in the future which would make me successful. I am a person that likes traveling and learning about attractions in each country, writing and many more, this makes me interesting. I don’t really like learning about religions because I know a lot already about religions so if I learn more it sometimes gets a bit boring for me which makes me get distracted easily. I am a person that is quite quiet on the carpet I have good ideas but I don’t let them out. I like listening to new music which makes me in this part of the world because many people listen to music and talk about it a lot. I love books and I read them often it’s a way of relaxing my mind. And when I read it makes me get different perspectives of who likes to read what books, when I read I feel like I am in the book and want to write a story of my own.

    I am very happy that I am a sponge in some ways because I am a risk taker, and make me interesting for my friends too. This makes me have a lot of good friends which are from this class and others. But I am not happy about me being a stagnate person in taste of food. I am very picky which makes me feel really rude. When my family members say that their food is really good and I should have a taste I don’t feel like it actually I am missing out a lot.
    So I am going to change this and try my best to become more and more of a sponge every day.

    • Ping Ping
      March 5, 2010 at 6:51 pm

      Hello Rosna,

      I agree with you since you listen to others’ ideas in class.

      Ping Ping

    • March 5, 2010 at 8:28 pm

      Thank you, but to just add on to my comment is that, I am a sponge in meeting friends, experiences and everything ecxept in food.

    • Sujinna
      March 5, 2010 at 9:13 pm

      Hi Rosna, I really liked what you said, full of honesty and also the words you use, they really tell the meaning of it

  9. Ping Ping
    March 5, 2010 at 6:48 pm

    Being a sponge and a stone honestly doesn’t come from the normal personality of the kid since everyone was born with a brain like a sponge. It is not always the kids’ fault. It only depends on what environment they are in or it also depends on their family (not necessarily but in general because I have seen cases like this many times). A person who is a sponge is normally very bright to all things that happen in their lives such as experiences, friendships, ideas, food, cultures, religions, music, books, films, languages, countries so as a result, they become very interesting people. They become interesting by getting the feeling of life. So people who are a sponge listen to others’ ideas which make them interesting to befriend with. People who are a rock are not just bad as you think since people who are rocks may not listen to other peoples’ ideas but they will not listen to bad things and they will stick to their beliefs. It kind of depends on how you interpret these 2 things like a sponge would suck in ideas while a rock will not flow away with bad things. And there is no right or wrong answer because these two things each have a benefit and a drawback.

    Ping Ping

    • Sujinna
      March 5, 2010 at 9:14 pm

      I liked the part where you said “It is not always the kids’ fault. It only depends on what environment they are in or it also depends on their family (not necessarily but in general because I have seen cases like this many times).”

      • Mick
        March 6, 2010 at 3:54 pm

        I also agree because kids are normally what their parents are.

  10. Ranvir
    March 5, 2010 at 6:49 pm

    Regarding food, languages and friendship I’m a stone because I hang out with the same people, I eat the same things, and I can speak only 4 languages.

    Otherwise for other stuff like music, I’m a sponge because I listen to different music themes, I watch different movies and so on…

    Through sports, I’m a clear sponge:

    SOCCER: I attempt shots with my left foot although I’m a right, I attempt shots from the half way line, I score shots and free-kicks from unusual and hard angles as well.

    TENNIS: In tennis, if I’m bound to lose a match, I still take risks and play hard shots like the inside-out forehand and single handed backhands. I dont slice or tap smashes back,I try to top-spin or just hit the ball back. I attempt shots like MY INVENTED SHOT THAT I CALL THE “HURRICANE” WHEN I’M DOWN MATCH POINT.

    • Sujinna
      March 5, 2010 at 9:16 pm

      I really liked the way you are honest and I like it how you can think of something fast right on the spot for example the hurricane move

      • Ranvir
        March 6, 2010 at 5:49 pm

        To be frank, It is very very very hard to execute this shot. A slight mistake in the racquet position, the grip style, or the feet arent right, I would have been doomed and I dont always get it right.

    • Sujinna
      March 5, 2010 at 9:21 pm

      Hey Ranvir,

      How long did it take you to write all this, this time??

      • Mick
        March 6, 2010 at 3:52 pm

        Ranvir probably took a long time and thought carefully now because Mr.Sam told him to think carefully and he didn’t use a stopwatch anymore.

        • Ranvir
          March 6, 2010 at 5:47 pm

          Youre wrong!

      • Ranvir
        March 6, 2010 at 5:46 pm

        Since It wasnt homework, I didnt use a stopwatch. I checked the computer time and I took 6+ minutes.

  11. Ping Ping
    March 5, 2010 at 6:50 pm

    Oh yeah!

    The fact that I am both a sponge and a rock is great to me since I could listen to ideas and I don’t listen to bad things such as swearing and such.

    • March 5, 2010 at 8:30 pm

      I havent thought of it this way, but I agree with you that I also dont listen to bad things.

      • Sujinna
        March 5, 2010 at 9:16 pm

        I agree with rosna and ping ping

    • Mick
      March 6, 2010 at 3:48 pm

      Hi Ping Ping,

      I think you are really creative to think of it that way, most people will think they’re only a sponge.

  12. 17lucam
    March 5, 2010 at 8:56 pm

    I think a stone person:
    Is not a risk-taker e.g if their is food he doesn’t try it because it doesn’t look nice.
    He doesn’t care about other people’s ideas and thinks “those ideas suck, my idea is the best” and then maybe when he tries his idea they fail, and then they try someone else’s idea and then they succeed and sometimes that person is jealous and says “it was my idea to that”.
    A sponge person is:
    A risk-taker and tries new thing e.g eating new food and they try any food.
    It is like water is knowledge and movement you do and sponge people suck the water/knowledge and move a lot, and rock people don’t learn and move around so they start ruining their life e.g and they become lazy and their life gets bad and your organs stop getting the energy or excersize they need and they stop working and you die but sponge people have longer healthier lives.
    I think I am a sponge because I am eager to learn more, I like trying new things like trying new food (I even discovered a delicious new food my maid eats and I like it so we will eat it someday 😀 🙂 😉 )
    I think am like that because my brother and I said “yuck” because the food looked disgusting and my mom said “how do you know if it isn’t nice even though you haven’t tasted it yet” and I have accomplished that but my brother is still working on it.
    I like the way I am because I discover new tastes and things like that every day. I also like it because my mom is proud so I can do more things.

    • Sujinna
      March 5, 2010 at 9:17 pm

      I liked what you said but I don’t think you should swear where you said “those ideas suck, my idea is the best”

      • Ranvir
        March 6, 2010 at 5:51 pm

        It doesnt matter. I say it to my friends sometimes too.

        • Mick
          March 6, 2010 at 5:56 pm

          But your not supposed to say it on the blog because when you say it to your friends only your friends hear it, on the blog everyone sees it.

  13. Cristina
    March 6, 2010 at 1:55 am

    I LOVE your comments!:)

    I have , however, a different perspective on “stone” and “sponge” analogies…as I don’t think we truly are either 100%.
    We are “sponges” in certain areas of our social, academic or emotional life…We like to learn new things, explore, interact with people, we like certain challenges, right?
    But we also have a “stone” side, so to speak: we stick to our principles and values, we do cherish our friendships and do not forsake them, we do care for certain things and wouldn’t change our mind/feelings/thoughts until we are convinced of the opposite.
    I guess putting people into one or the other category is somewhat unfair – we can only talk about a dominant way of acting and of being, while the other is still within us but it is more “quiet”.


  14. Samantha
    March 6, 2010 at 11:45 am

    I think that a stone person is not a risk taker and just continues to stay the same but shrike and never change. I think that a sponge person try’s new things and grows to become a better person who can let go of things they don’t like but they still try out the options they have. I think I am both a sponge and a stone person because if like the way things look of smell then I would try it, if I didn’t like the way something looked or smelt then I wouldn’t eat it. I would try to make new friends so in that subject I would be a sponge. I think that having many languages is good because if someone doesn’t know how to talk one language but they know another language you know as well that’s good because you make more friends. I think that my parents made me like this and I feel really good about it. I’m happy because not everyone is a sponge or a stone or in between but that you are just who you are and you can’t change that.

    • Mick
      March 6, 2010 at 3:51 pm

      Hi Samantha,

      How many languages do you know? I also agree that everybody is who they are.

      • Sujinna
        March 6, 2010 at 9:09 pm

        i agree with mick too, and I also want to know how many languages can you speak?

        I know you can speak thai and english

        • March 6, 2010 at 9:23 pm

          Yes I agree too about what languages you speak. I am not sure because you have never mentioned how many languages you could speak.

  15. Mick
    March 6, 2010 at 3:46 pm

    I think a sponge person is an open-minded person because water is like knowledge and sponges suck water which means they keep knowledge and they give knowledge. Sponges are also flexible and can change size, shape and look. But sponges also suck everything including bad and dirty water. If water is knowledge dirty water is bad knowledge.

    Stones are things that don’t grow and only get smaller. They’re also hard and not flexible. They are opposite to sponges because they don’t suck up anything and don’t give anything which means they are narrow-minded. But stones also don’t suck any bad things. They are also hard so they can be used to create things such as homes and furniture. But they can also be created into weapons.

    Similiar to everything stones and sponges have good and bad things about them.

    I’m both of them becuase I only have good knowledge not bad knowledge. I also give knowledge because I’m open-minded and I listen and speak. I’m also a stone becuase I’m useful like a stone. I’m also a stone because I stick with my words. Still I’m also a sponge because I think out of the box. I’m also a stone because I always eat the same food everytime a go to the same restaurant. But I’m also a sponge because I go to different restaurants. I read different books genres all the time so I’m a sponge but I’m also a stone because everytime I read a book I read it more than once. I’m also a sponge because I have friends in different cultures and religions. But I’m also a stone because I usaully play with only one group of friends.

    I’m a little bit of a sponge and a little bit of a stone and everything in between.


    • Sujinna
      March 6, 2010 at 9:10 pm

      I really like it where you said dirty water is bad knowledge and your writing is very good. I agree with most of the points

    • March 6, 2010 at 9:24 pm

      I like the sentence you said that I am a little bit of a sponge and a little bit of a stone and everything in between.

  16. a passerby...
    March 6, 2010 at 8:05 pm

    A rock, unlike the sponge, would always stay the same. It doesn’t expand, doesn’t contract, just silently sitting in the same spot, much like a person who cannot cope with change. The phrase “stuck between a rock and a hard place” also comes to mind; it represents two opposing, unsatisfactory forces in which we must choose between. On a more positive outlook, a rock has also been known to represent the constants in life, the things that will forever remain with us, that are always there for us to fall back upon.

    On the other hand, a sponge is the complete opposite of a rock. It is adaptable and flexible, able to change itself to suit the environment it’s it. It can grow larger by absorbing water, like how we can gain a more open-minded outlook by absorbing knowledge. However, this can also mean that they are easily influenced by the environment around them, whether good or bad.

    Neither one of these objects are entirely positive or negative. They can easily be both at the same time, depending on the views you hold about them.

    • Sujinna
      March 6, 2010 at 9:11 pm

      I really liked what you said who ever you are, I really liked this quote more than anything in your writing but it doesn’t mean I don’t like the rest of your writing.
      “stuck between a rock and a hard place”

      • ness
        March 6, 2010 at 9:15 pm

        I like it too.

        • March 6, 2010 at 9:25 pm

          Sam I like it three. I think the way you explained it was very good, I understood more about what a stone and a sponge means. Thanks. ( This is to the Passerby)

          • March 6, 2010 at 9:26 pm

            I mean same at the beginning instead of sam. Sorry spelling mistake!

          • a passerby...
            March 6, 2010 at 9:56 pm

            Haha thank you guys. I just realised I made a typo too.
            “…to suit the environment it’s IN.”

          • Sujinna
            March 7, 2010 at 7:37 am

            Hi rosna, what do you mean by sam for example sam i like it three?

          • ness
            March 7, 2010 at 9:05 am

            Sujinna, I think she means same

          • Mick
            March 7, 2010 at 9:15 am


            She means same not sam.

          • March 7, 2010 at 2:18 pm

            Yes I mean that but I said that in the comment below it.

    • another passerby...
      March 7, 2010 at 9:31 pm

      I strongly disagree with the thinking that a rock is like a person who cannot cope with change. In my perspective, rock is relatively hard and strong. Rock also represents a firm foundation and support. Thus, rock (which is strong and have a firm foundation) would be able to cope with any change it may face. As rock are solid and stable it would not collapse no matter how big or small the change may be and would easily endure and survive this change. .

      • Rosna
        March 8, 2010 at 7:01 am

        I actually agree with you while thinking about what you have just said.

  17. a passerby...
    March 7, 2010 at 11:30 am

    As mostly everyone here seems to be saying that being a rock is bad, I’d like to be slightly unconventional.

    I was rereading Saving Francesca the other day, which by the way is an awesome book that you all should read sometimes, and I came across a character saying “I’d like people to see me as their Rock”. Now I think that says voloumes. A rock in this case would be something entirely positive. To be a rock is to be a person who others can rely on in times of great need, someone who can be their pillar, someone who they can trust with their secrets and hopes and dreams. It is someone for others to lean on.

    A sponge is, unlike the rock, entirely reliant on its surroundings and environment. Without water, it cannot grow, nor live. Unlike the rock, who people can depend on, the sponge is the one that is dependant on others. So I would say that’s a rather nice juxtaposition?

    So there. When I complete this sentence, I will have written as much as you have (you know who you are), and I can go back to my two page essay on the dramatic monologues of Browning and Duffy, write the beginning of a narrative and finish reading The Moonstone for English tomorrow.

    • Mick
      March 7, 2010 at 2:33 pm

      Hi ”a passerby”,

      My brother (Matt) also agrees that rocks might be better than sponges. I also like when you compare what the book said.

      • Mick
        March 7, 2010 at 2:38 pm

        Also when you finish that sentece I still have more words than you.

        • Mick
          March 7, 2010 at 5:13 pm

          I forgot to put the letter n in the word sentence

      • March 7, 2010 at 4:36 pm

        I agree with Mick, I really like the way you compared it with what a book said.

  18. 17nikkis
    March 7, 2010 at 11:44 am

    Someone whose mind is like sponge is always ready to absorb new ideas. This is because water is like knowledge and can give us more knowledge as you soak it up. If you are like a sponge you are also open-minded and always want to learn and face new experiences. It also means that there is always room to acquire new knowledge and skills.

    Whereas a stone person is a narrow-minded person, is always being stagnant and is always living in its own world. There is no room for new ideas and knowledge. A stone person is also not a risk-taker and will always try to think negative. It’s like a stepping-stone you can’t do anything with it accept for stepping on a stone. Then you will be called a “STONE HEADED”

    I think I am a sponge more than a stone because the willingness to learn and absorbs new ideas are in me. Learning and trying new things is always a great experience because with that I learn to expand my knowledge. I have started reading a lot of non-fiction books and it has given me a lot of varied knowledge and it has taught me that non-fictions books are not boring at all. In concerning matters with friends, I try to play with everyone and I do not take sides because I always value their friendship towards me. The time I am like a stone is particularly concerning food, I stick to what I eat nearly everyday because it is what gives me the enjoyment in eating but I think I should start trying different kinds of food maybe that could be healthier for me.

    I am really happy of being ME! Because I am a sponge always ready to soak in the positive ways of learning and enjoying each day of my beautiful life. I am glad the way I am because I have good and strong support from my family, teachers and friends. 🙂

    • Sujinna
      March 7, 2010 at 1:16 pm

      Hi Nikki,
      I really like your first paragraph really gets to the meaning

      • March 7, 2010 at 2:20 pm

        Just a question are you ever a stone?? because you said you are happy of being yourself because you are a sponge.

  19. Taku
    March 7, 2010 at 5:21 pm

    I think that a stone person will never try new things or think new ways. But a sponge is opposite to a stone person it tries new things and will think new ways like sponge sucking up different waters.I think I am kind of like a sponge and a stone because I try new things but I don’t think new ways that much. In year 5 I was a risk taker so I kept being a risk taker but i don’t now what happened about not thinking new ways. I am happy if i am risk taker.

  20. Ness
    March 7, 2010 at 5:50 pm

    What is a “stone” person like?
    What is a “sponge” person like?
    What are you… sponge or stone? (think about experiences, friendships, ideas, food, cultures, religions, music, books, films, languages, countries)
    What has made you that way?
    Are you happy to be that way? Why?

    Being a sponge is the best because you experience new things and experience is one of the most valuable teacher. Sponges are people who gets interested and interesting in a lot of ways. I went in on google to define sponge, of it said quick study: someone able to acquire new knowledge and skills rapidly and easily; example:”she soaks up foreign languages like a sponge” SO sponges absorbs water, (water is like ideas) and it can get bigger and more interesting or sometimes not soak it up. But at least sponges listen to ideas. Sponges also want to experience and try new things to learn more about.

    • Ness
      March 7, 2010 at 6:06 pm

      sorry, I accidently pressed enter for the 1st comment I wrote 😦

      Stone persons are people that doesn’t want to try and share to learn more or experience more. It sorts of blocks out new ideas from others. Sometimes it’s something like being narrow minded.

      I am sort of a stone and sponge person for food because I will have to be sometimes forced to eat something, I like eating the same food. It makes me happy because it makes me happy. If i’m bored of the food, I’ll go and try new food and restaurants. My dad will always take me to new restaurant to try new food. For Music, Religion, books, films,langugues and countries I am mostly a sponge because I love watching new films, listening to music, learn more about religions, learning new langugues and wanting to go to different countries. I enjoy this because they are some of my favorite things to do when i’m bored and I can do it anytime. I am till wanting to learn and experience more.

  21. Rosna
    March 8, 2010 at 7:11 am

    I think I am a spongy stone because I like to try different things. Sometime when I go to restraunts I only eat the same thing. There are only 2 good answers for this thing. A sponge is someone who tries different things and a stone is someone that is stagnate. My family has made me a spongy stone because they encouraged me to try different things. I am very happy to be a spongy stone because I am a bit of everything.

    • Johann
      March 8, 2010 at 7:16 am

      Sorry people rosna left herself logged in at the library and then I logged in and I axadently posted the comment on her account

  22. Johann
    March 8, 2010 at 7:13 am

    I think I am a spongy stone because I like to try different things. Sometime when I go to restraunts I only eat the same thing. There are only 2 good answers for this thing. A sponge is someone who tries different things and a stone is someone that is stagnate. My family has made me a spongy stone because they encouraged me to try different things. I am very happy to be a spongy stone because I am a bit of everything.

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