Homework: Connectors

The third circle in the diagram I made for Checkpoint #1 is all about making connections, all about finding out who else is interested in or taking action on issues related to your spark.

Your homework tonight is to do some in-depth research to find out:

  • If anyone else in 6SS or in Year 6 has a spark that is similar to yours (Twitter/Facebook/Email/face-to-face)
  • If anyone else in the school is interested in or taking action on issues related to your spark (Facebook/Email/face-to-face)
  • If there are any individuals/ organizations in Bangkok that are working on issues related to your spark (Internet)
  • If there are any individuals/organizations in Thailand that are working on issues related to your spark (Internet)
  • If there are any individuals/organizations in Asia that are working on issues related to your spark (Internet)
  • If there are any /individuals/organizations in the world that are working on issues related to your spark (Internet)
  1. Caitie :$
    March 21, 2012 at 4:17 pm

    I researched gratefulness online. I found this gratefulness website http://www.gratefulness.org. The webpage has gratefulness videos, quotes and articles about the benefits of gratefulness. I think this webpage will be useful for me in my inquiry. I also read a long scientific article about gratefulness and the benefits of it and the research that has been done about it.

    Click to access gratitude%20psychologist.pdf

    Here are some of the key points from it.
    -Gratefulness is part of lots of religions.
    -Gratefulness is important in relationships.
    -It helps you to be a kinder person.
    -Studies show that gratefulness is a very effective method of causing people to be happy.


  2. 19zolah
    March 21, 2012 at 4:23 pm

    Hi 6ss,
    Well I found out today that Aryan,Yasmin,Tammana are doing something like what I am doing that is good because were all in the same class that means we can help each other a lot easier.I have sent an email to about 15 people asking if they are intrested about what I am doing. I sent an email to see if people actually care about NIST and all the garbege aroung school.

    I found an organization in Thailand its called “Magic Eyes” the link were i found it. http://www.megacitiesproject.org/pdf/publications_pdf_mcp043.pdf. This organization works in Thailand but also in Bangkok. There is a organization called GEF and it means Global Enviroment Facility.


  3. Caitie :$
    March 21, 2012 at 4:25 pm

    I researched gratefulness online. I found this gratefulness website http://www.gratefulness.org. The webpage has gratefulness videos, quotes and articles about the benefits of gratefulness. I think this webpage will be useful for me in my inquiry. I also read a long scientific article about gratefulness and the benefits of it and the research that has been done about it.

    Click to access gratitude%20psychologist.pdf

    Here are some of the key points from it.
    -Gratefulness is part of lots of religions.
    -Gratefulness is important in relationships.
    -It helps you to be a kinder person.
    -Studies show that gratefulness is a very effective method of causing people to be happy.


  4. March 21, 2012 at 5:19 pm

    Hi 6SS,

    There isn’t really anyone doing the samething a me but Hannah’s is similar. Hannah is helping people on the street and I am helping people in orphanages so they are pretty similar. I do not think I could pair up with her since we do not feel like helping the same people! I find this year a lot of peopl are trying to improve something and not change something and I think that is great! A few people I have spoke to are interested in raising money for lots and lots of different things. I have heard that Lukas is raising money to buy some iPads for the Klongtoey kids so that they can learn how to use them.

    There is a group of people in Y6 who are helping Klongtoey which is pretty similar to what I will do. The Klongtoey kids actually live quite a similar life to people in am orphanage. Ms. Jill helps an orphanage. She goes to that orphanage every week. I am pretty sure she takes a group of people with her. I will also try to get some kids involved. Ms. Anne used to always go to an orphanage. Ms. Yui made a play ground for an orphanage. Ms. Michelle used to, maybe still, go to an orphanage and help out.

    There is a website called Helping Orphans Around The World and it says that it betters orphans lives around the world. They say they do this by donations and organizations. It says there aim is to get orphanages brilliant overall. There is a group of people called HOPE it was started in 2008 by some parents who wanted to adopt. They wanted to give back to their children’s orphanage and make a difference in the lives of the children who were not adopted yet.

    There is a website called Save Haven Orphanage which means they are focusing on one orphanage which is exactly what I want to do. Once these people have finished this orphanage they will expand and keep expanding. I feel like doing the same thing but in a different way. I feel like doing this and other people getting so inspired that they do the samething and help a different orphanage. There is a website called POD and there idea is exactly the same as mine in Thailand they will help one orphanage and it will spread!

    There is a website called Project Abroad and they help orphanages in Asia But mostly India and Malaysia. These people have a different approach, they always go and interact with the kids instead or just sending things to them. This organization is so good that they have got some people to go there everyday and play with them. This website is the best one I have found because they use a UNIQUE way.


  5. 19zolah
    March 21, 2012 at 5:26 pm

    Hi 6SS,

    I found a world wide group called every monday matters in this group they ask people all over the world to pick up trash on mandays. This is the link:http://everymondaymatters.com/34/

    PS: I found this organization threw twitter.


  6. March 21, 2012 at 5:52 pm

    I am going to keep adding comments when I find something new, so don’t worry if I don’t write a lot in one comment.

    I called my friend Catherine because I knew she wanted to do something hsimilar to me, and I found out she wanted to do exactly the same thing for her exhibition. Catherine also told me that Ainesh and maybe Vikrant want to do something similar to this theme too.


  7. Pan
    March 21, 2012 at 6:02 pm

    The people who have the same spark as me is Yuki, Madhav and Vin, me and Vin are going talk to eachother at 8 today so i can talk to him and share ideas.

  8. March 21, 2012 at 6:05 pm

    Hi 6SS,
    So today I found out that victor was doing pretty the same thing as me. The only thing that was different was he was introducing wake boarding but mine is ping pong. From my data, most people want to play ping pong. Even if they don’t get bored at snack times and lunch times.

    This is a website that I found out:
    They talk about how to be happy and there are quite a lot of ways to be happy and it also for some of them requires a passion. It is also up to date and has a contact us sign its probably somewhere in the world.

    This is another website that I found its in thailand and it is a group which encourages people to be a entrepeneur and its fun!

  9. Stefan
    March 21, 2012 at 6:09 pm

    Hello 6SS,

    I haven’t heard of anyone who is doing something similar to my project.

    I found this video on Vimeo. So basically world wide famous skateboarder Paul Rodriguez has started this organization HRSC (Honor Roll Skate Club). Where a bunch of kids that are passionate about skateboarding go to this place where they have skate obstacles and teach the kids new skills and how to skateboard. Every year 12 schools which are in HRSC compete against each other in teams.

    Paul Rodriguez wanted kids to get kids more accent with skateboarding in a safe environment where they don’t have to worry about getting in trouble and getting their boards confiscated.

    Here is the link: http://vimeo.com/25257327

  10. March 21, 2012 at 6:10 pm

    Hi 6SS,

    After doing some research I found out about this person named Patrick Reynolds who is an anti-smoking activist which I am pretty sure works for the American Lung Association there are also two others that are similair -American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association, I found this information on wikipedia. I know is that Vin, Yuki, Madhav and Pan are also doing smoking and were in the same class so we will be able to help each other. There are a few places that I know of in the world that help with smoking like the National Cancer Institute, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Nicotine Anonymous and Essential Action you might not know of these organizations because they are anonymous but they help people with nicotine addiction and sometimes people call them and they ask for help and they give advice about smoking and they risks they are taking.

    There are also two organizations in Thailand that I found like the Thailand Health Promotion Institute, Action on Smoking and Health – Thailand, many anti-smoking organizations stay anonymous.

  11. March 21, 2012 at 6:32 pm

    I also found this organization called friends international and they work on children not having to work on the street for money, and I was thinking about the same issue, because I would then probably release the children from working. I know the organization from when I went to a restaurant by friends, and they had really good food. I think that people who didn’t have a really good job and never really had money are usually really good at cooking, because they just learn how to cook, and if they learn well then they will really have a talent. I wanted to connect with friends so I will email them.


  12. Madhav
    March 21, 2012 at 6:45 pm

    Hi everyone,

    I found out the Vin, Yuki and Pan are doing the same thing as me (smoking). I also did some research about organizations that try to stop smoking, which is know as anti smoking, and so far I found a lot but only 1-2 from Thailand.

  13. Yasmin
    March 21, 2012 at 6:52 pm

    Hi 6SS,

    I know that Mari is doing something similuar to me because she is doing helping the cats and I’m doing helping the animals. I know that from talking face-to-face at school. Also Amanda in 6gd is doing something similuar to mine, she is doing something like elephant shows and how people treat elephants. Jimin told me about this, Jimin saw it on twitter.

    I asked Hannah and Jimin if they are interested in what I’m doing, and if they want to help the animals. They said yes, but I’m trying to ask other people if they are interested. But they haven’t answered yet.

    I found a organization in Bangkok, it is SCAD. They rescue cats and dogs from the streets. They try to help them get over their diseases, then they put the cats and dogs up for adoption. But right now I’m not really focusing on cats and dogs, I want to focus on elephants, tigers and monkeys.

    I found 1 organization in Thailand, it is called Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand. This is a organization that rescues wild animals from places where they are maltreated and neglected, and help them to spend the rest of their lives in natural enviroment and get the best possible care. This is good because my project is based on mistreating animals.

    I found a organization in asia-pacific, it is called PETA asia-pacific. PETA is the largest animal rights organization, it has more then 3 million members and supporters. It is dedicated to protect the rights of all animals. This is a good organization because my spark is animal rights, and this organization does what I want to do. So it would be good if I contacted them, and got to to know what what the company is all about.

    I found one organization around the world, it is called WWF. They save wildlife and this is what they said “We protect wildlife because they inspire us. But we also focus our efforts on those flagship species, like tigers, rhinos, whales and marine turtles.” They also go to Africa, which is good because there are lots of problems in Africa with the animals. This organization is doing good things, but right now i want to focus on Giving animals their own rights.


  14. March 21, 2012 at 7:35 pm


    For me, I had a conversation with Victor and Pat because Pat’s was all about getting people to play ping pong (The sport that he got inspired by) Victor’s was about finding your true passion Connection = Today I told Victor thats its a really good idea because first I played piano and then I thought its not really my passion because I can’t really stay still and I’m not calm at all so my mom ENCOURAGED me to play sports and I loved it, its really who I am. šŸ™‚ So I have an advice for Victor that if you don’t like something don’t push or force yourself to do it because maybe you can find a new passion that might be what you really love and might change your whle life. (Like Me) Pat’s and Victor’s spark connect to me accept that my is about sports( Which is the big subject because sports is everything, Football, Badminton, Volleyball, Tennis, Basketball, Table Tennis, Softball, Etc. ) Where’s Pat’s spark is only Table tennis. Victor’s spark is connected to both of us because he wants people to find their true passion and when they see mine or Pat’s they might start to get inspired or might start to be interested in sports too.


  15. 19aryana
    March 21, 2012 at 7:40 pm

    hi everyone,

    I found out that Zola,yasmin and tammana are doing the same thing that i am for my exhibition that means we can share ideas so it can be easier for us. I interviewed people in school about what there thoughts,feelings,fear and hope are about littering i also gathered data about how they feel when they think about littering.

    in Bangkok there are two organizations i found out that are doing the same thing that i am doing they are nude food that is in our school so i am going to try to get my thing involved with nude food. The second one is the one that Zola mentioned that was magic eyes I am going to send an email to them to see if i can get involved in that.
    I found an organization called http://www.stoplittering.com/ it is a organization that is in USA.

  16. Caitie :$
    March 21, 2012 at 7:45 pm


  17. Caitie :$
    March 21, 2012 at 7:47 pm


    I researched gratefulness online. I found this gratefulness website http://www.gratefulness.org. The webpage has gratefulness videos, quotes and articles about the benefits of gratefulness. I think this webpage will be useful for me in my inquiry.

    I also read a long scientific article about gratefulness and the benefits of it and the research that has been done about it.

    Click to access gratitude%20psychologist.pdf

    Here are some of the key points from it.
    -Gratefulness is part of lots of religions.
    -Gratefulness is important in relationships.
    -It helps you to be a kinder person.
    -Studies show that gratefulness is a very effective method of causing people to be happy.


  18. March 21, 2012 at 8:04 pm


    in 6ss there was Pat and petanque who had a simular spark to mine. Pats was to have poeple find their passions in ping pong and start a ping pong revoulition.
    Petanques was to have poeple find passions in sport because she sais that its healthy and there will allways be a spor that you will like.
    my spark was for poeple to find there passions but i mean for everything not just sport and for parents to stop telling the kids what their passions are and for parents to stop putting presure on there kids.

    I found this web site called how to find your passion. it gives you ideas on how to find your passion and what you can do to find your passion.
    Its a lot like a blog.


    this is the link.


  19. March 21, 2012 at 8:20 pm

    So Tarini is doing the similar topic with me because when I saw her survey, I noticed that she wanted to know if people are eating healthy food or not.

    I donā€™t know if any more people is doing the healthy food because I checked emails and facebook, but there was no reply.

    I donā€™t know anyone who is interested in Healthy eating other than Tarini and me. Sorry, I donā€™t have enough information about this.

    For Bangkok,: I couldnā€™t find any.

    So for Thailand, I could find these websites: http://www.adams-organic-thailand.com/
    For Asia, : http://asiasociety.org/business/development/healthy-outlook-organic-food-asia http://healthyeatingclub.com/

    For the whole world,: http://www.nhs.uk/livewell/healthy-eating/Pages/Healthyeating.aspx http://www.jamieoliver.com/ http://www.noharm.org/seasia/issues/food/ http://www.healthy-eating.com/ http://www.feedingyourkids.com/

    Itā€™s interesting to see how it narrows down. For the world websites, thereā€™s so plenty, but for Bangkok, I found zero websites. I think I should work on finding more websites that are here in Bangkok.

    Sorry, My comment is short today, At first, I wrote a long comment but then there was a network problem so I had to make this comment quick as I can.

  20. March 21, 2012 at 8:20 pm

    Hi Everyone,

    Honestly, I donā€™t really know anyone who is doing a really similar or the same project as mine and as far as Iā€™ve researched, I havenā€™t come across a project/organization doing the same/similar thing as me in Thailand or Asia. Vickyā€™s is kind of related though because sheā€™s doing standing up against bullies and bullies do the opposite of compliments. Also, Daniel is doing something similar because heā€™s doing school friendliness and complimenting can be a way of being friendly.

    I did find one blog though called ā€˜The Shyness Projectā€™ (http://theshynessproject.wordpress.com/). Itā€™s a cool blog and the blogger also writes about things such as Random acts of Kindness and Meditating. The posting I want to share with you is called Complimenting Central. Itā€™s a bit about clothing and fashion but if you donā€™t think about that, youā€™d find out itā€™s also about complimenting people. Here is the link to the posting: http://theshynessproject.wordpress.com/tag/complimenting-others/

    I also found 1 project called ā€˜Complimentsā€™. Itā€™s an internet project where artists, singers and musicians around the world write/give compliments. These compliments are not dedicated to anyone but just a general compliment to anyone. You can find out more on this page: http://sv-se.facebook.com/compliments.theproject (some bits are in Swedish, sorry about that)

    Thatā€™s all I have! Goodnight everyone!

  21. Caitie :$
    March 21, 2012 at 8:25 pm


    I researched gratefulness online. I found this gratefulness website http://www.gratefulness.org. The webpage has gratefulness videos, quotes and articles about the benefits of gratefulness. I think this webpage will be useful for me in my inquiry.

    I also read a long scientific article about gratefulness and the benefits of it and the research that has been done about it.

    Here are some of the key points from it.
    -Gratefulness is part of lots of religions.
    -Gratefulness is important in relationships.
    -It helps you to be a kinder person.
    -Studies show that gratefulness is a very effective method of causing people to be happy.


    • March 26, 2012 at 6:12 am

      Caitie, you wrote that around 5 times. The website you have found does look like it could help you quite a lot. The key points you have found would also make good posters. I think that this information could reallly drive you forward in your exhibition!


  22. March 21, 2012 at 8:37 pm

    Hi 6ss,

    I know that Yasmin’s doing something similar. She is doing about Animal abuse and I am doing Cat abuse. Ju Young and Manish is doing a little bit similar to mines because they are doing about Suffering (Which is a big topic). Lindy is also doing something a little similar to me too because her spark is Free Ranged Animals.

    Many people said they maybe want to take action in what I am doing for my spark. They also said that they care that cats get abused in OUR SCHOOL. Nicky said INDEED. Vicky said of course. Others said Yes.

    SCAD (Soi Cats And Dogs) is an organization that is in Bangkok.

    I found an organization called Thailand Animals Rescue Center.

    I found a lot of organizations that are helping the cats in the world. I donā€™t think I should name them because there are too many.

  23. March 21, 2012 at 8:51 pm


    I have not spoken to the secondarys but i know that they have a hello day every so often. I reasearched far 25 min looking for an organization that is involed by saying hi or hello. I also know somthing called world hello day when you say hello to ten people atleast. That is not only in asia but also around the world. As you can tell by the title. If you want more information click this link: http://www.worldhelloday.org/

    I talked to some people what there spark is and none of them really mached with my spark so i dont really think people have te same sorta spark as i do.

  24. March 21, 2012 at 8:55 pm

    Hi 6ss,

    I didn’t find any organisations in Thailand or Bangkok but I did find one that works for the united nations it’s called the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
    Also the EPA organisation.
    NSW organisation: http://www.lovefoodhatewaste.nsw.gov.au/love-food/loving-your-food.aspx

    The only person in year 6 is Jimin who had some elated stuff with me because Jimin’s and mine are about food. But Jimin is doing stopping people from eating junk food.

    • March 21, 2012 at 8:56 pm

      some of my friends and classmates are interested some of them want to help me.

  25. 19vint
    March 21, 2012 at 9:25 pm

    I found out that some people have the same spark(smoking) as me. They are Yuki, Pan and Madhav. They are interested in anti-smoking but I think Yuki is the most serious. I want to focus on a few particular aspects of smoking-Adults smoking and how that impacts kids(mirror neurons) and also smoking in public areas which is similar to the former. Yuki is also focusing on smoking is public areas.

    I know Khun Siew really goes against smoking because when I had a conversation with her she really spoke with emotion. I contacted an organization called ASH, or Action on Smoking and Health. ASH global, but they have offices around the world, some of which are situated in Thailand. I know that there is a famous anti-smoking activist, Patrick Reynolds, who descended from RJ Reynolds, founder of the Reynolds cigarette company.
    I could also contact him.

    Hannah does not have a similar spark as me, but she is trying to get her dad’s friends to quit smoking so I might be able to help her. I found some creative anti-smoking posters and videos.

  26. March 21, 2012 at 9:54 pm

    Hi everyone!

    My topic is about smoking and Vin, Mara, Pan & Madhav are quite interested in the same topic and they have the same focus about smoking. There is this organization called Thai Health Promotion Institution. This organization is trying to make Thailand a smoking free place. This is the link http://en.thaihealth.or.th/. There are two more anti-smoking institutions in Thailand. They are Action on Smoking and Health Foundation (ASH) and Thailand Health Research Institution. I also found this WHO web page which is trying to stop people in Asian countries from smoking. This is the link http://www.who.int/topics/tobacco/en/. And I found other institution called Asia Pacific Association Control of Tobacco. I know this anti-smoking activist in U.S. called Patrick Reynolds, grandson of the founder of Reynolds Tobacco Company and he is trying to stop young people from smoking. This is the link to one of his videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MTSrM0X922I

  27. March 22, 2012 at 3:32 pm

    Hi everyone!

    I think my comment accidently got erased so I am trying it again.

    First of all, Nicky, Rika has a same spark as me. Not exactly but it is about bullying and I think it is connected because they asked questions such as ā€˜how can I stop bullying?ā€™ I thought that standing for yourself is a way of stopping the bullying. Also I thought that Andrea has a similar spark as me because I thought that if you compliment people, you might get more confidence stand up for yourself.

    Nicky and Rika is interested and also proving that they care. If you look around the school, you can see the posters they made. Paul, Mari (6SS), Jimin (6SS), Andrea (6SS) and Juyoung (6JK) is interested in this and I hope to see and interview people if they are interested in this situation.

    Here are some websites that I found very interesting and I thought were very useful.
    This is a Korean organization that helps people who get bullied and shows how to stop people bullying. Mostly, its about how to stand up for yourself
    This is a website that I really was interested to. It was about bullying but itā€™s said a lot about what you should do to stop it. It also said about standing up for yourself. Also it was about reporting which is also about standing up for yourself.

    See you,


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